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Deschutes Brewery

Deschutes Brewery : Better data for better beer

Deschutes Brewery needed to standardize and streamline beer fermenter cooling and minimize the requirement for manual readings during the beer fermentation transition phases. By utilizing the AVEVA PI System, the brewery reduced production time and avoided the necessity for $8 million in system upgrades.


  • Make fermentation cooling consistent and repeatable.
  • Reduce the need for manual readings during beer fermentation transition phases.
  • During the cooling phase of the brewing process,temperatures were spiking in fermenters.
  • It was difficult to predict when beers should transition from one phase of fermentation to the next.


  • AVEVA PI System 


  • Deschutes reduced production time by up to 72 hours for each batch.
  • It increased capacity and postponed $8M in capital upgrades.
  • The brewery understands the brewing personality of each beer through machine learning.

He is talking about the project

“We were able to put off the unnecessary $8 million capital project… while assuring the highest quality in all our brands.”

Brian Faivre

Brewmaster of Operations, Deschutes Brewery

Discover more about AVEVA PI Data Infrastructure

Hybrid solution ready to manage your operational data, from the Edge to the Cloud. AVEVA PI Data Infrastructure enables you to make your operational data available in real time to a wider range of decision makers and data users across your business and beyond. 
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