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Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

Product - Abu DHABI - AVEVA

ADNOC drives its digital transformation with the Panorama Digital Command Center

ADNOC’s Panorama Digital Command Center is a fully integrated, real-time data visualization center that helps gain insights, unlock efficiencies, and identify new pathways to optimize operations. AVEVA’s System Platform, InTouch Operations Management Interface (OMI), and Unified Supply Chain are the foundation of the display, enabling integration across various systems and providing actionable insights.


  • Empower strategic decision-making and increase collaboration across the enterprise.
  • Fully align the ADNOC operations value chain, reduce the cost of production and maximise net profit.
  • Improve asset reliability, availability and performance while reducing unplanned equipment downtim.


  • AVEVA’s System Platform and InTouch Operations Management Interface (OMI) are the foundation of the display, enabling integration across various ERP, business and IT applications and providing actionable insights.
  • AVEVA’s Unified Supply Chain Management solution enables complete value chain optimisation to improve collaboration, efficiency and profitability.
  • AVEVA’s Predictive Asset Analytics solution empowers the team to reduce unscheduled downtime and prevent costly equipment failures.


  • ADNOC’s Panorama Unified Operations Centre enables savings between $60M to $100M through optimized operations
  • AVEVA software provides unique. visibility across operations for improved business agility by integrating and monitoring 10 million+ tags across 120+ dashboards.
  • AVEVA’s Unified Supply Chain Management solution delivers integrated and centralized monthly operating plans.

He is talking about the project

Oil and gas 4.0 is putting the Industrial Revolution 4.0 within an oil and gas context. A leader in adapting new technology, a leader integrating technology that comes from outside our domain, and see if this technology can add value to our production for the economy and the world in general.

Abdul Nasser Al Mughairbi

SVP of digital, ADNOC

Discover more about
AVEVA Unified Operations Center

Converge engineering, operations and other data in context for end-to-end enterprise visibility with AVEVA Operations Center.
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