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Supervisory, HMI & SCADA software

For more than 35 Years, AVEVA (known as Wonderware) is the leading HMI & SCADA Software supplier on the market. With over 1 million licenses in production, it is today the largest installed base in industrial software.

Supervisory control

Data acquisition



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AVEVA Supervisory Software, from Machine HMI to Enterprise Visualization

What makes AVEVA's Software unique on the market is the ability to address requirement from local Machine HMI, all way up to Enterprise Visualization. Industrial companies face several crucial challenges in industrial supervision, including optimizing productivity, reducing operational costs, improving product quality, and ensuring safety and regulatory compliance. To address these challenges, it is essential to have high-performance supervisory software that provides comprehensive and real-time visibility of operations. AVEVA's industrial supervision, HMI (Human-Machine Interface), and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software help industrial companies achieve these objectives every day. These solutions enable effective monitoring and control of processes, facilitate data collection and analysis, and enhance decision-making through intuitive interfaces and advanced automation capabilities. By integrating AVEVA's software, industrial companies can not only improve the overall performance of their facilities but also anticipate potential issues and optimize operations to achieve sustainable operational excellence.


Human Machine Interface (HMI) software

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The leading industrial software in its market, AVEVA InTouch HMI allows you to monitor, control, and optimize in real-time plant operations.
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AVEVA Edge is a flexible solution that allows for the creation of advanced HMI/SCADA interfaces or embedded applications with a low digital footprint for any industry sector.
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Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software

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AVEVA System Platform

AVEVA System Platform is a unified, flexible and secure software platform capable of supporting both Industrial Supervision, SCADA, MES and IIoT functions.
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AVEVA OMI (Operations Management Interface) is the new industrial interface for real-time operations management, providing an advanced and high-performance user experience.
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AVEVA Historian

With AVEVA Historian, collect and archive all your data to build up an industrial Big Data and unlock the hidden potential for improvement in your operations.
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AVEVA Plant SCADA is flexible, high-performance SCADA data acquisition and control software for plant personnel.
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Unified Operation Center and Enterprise Visualization

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Unified Operation Center

Unified Operations Center provide a contextualized graphical interface that centralize data from multiple sources and systems - assets, engineering data, maintenance information, finanacial data. It provides user with a single source of truth to operate efficiently their operations.
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Additional software to design, connect and monitor your systems

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AVEVA Development Studio

A cloud-hosted development environment that facilitates greater collaboration, rapid project creation, project archival, scalability on-demand, and the ability to manage multiple AVEVA HMI development projects simultaneously.

AVEVA Communication drivers

AVEVA communication drivers enable AVEVA solutions to be connected to leading PLC brands. Totally independent of hardware, AVEVA Communication Drivers play a strategic role in PLC data collection.
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AVEVA System Monitor

AVEVA System Monitor performs real-time monitoring of your hardware and software installations and generates proactive email alerts.
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Certified AVEVA System Integrators

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