
Your Challenges and Stakes
Visibility on processes
An industrial workflow involves assets that can be very different from each other, based on different technologies and sometimes located in different places. All of this is strongly influenced by the manual actions of people.
Having visibility into processes means having connected assets and digitized procedures, allowing you to be able to monitor and measure the activities performed. Starting with an organized source of data describing the history of operations enables identification and opportunities for improvement
Having visibility into processes means having connected assets and digitized procedures, allowing you to be able to monitor and measure the activities performed. Starting with an organized source of data describing the history of operations enables identification and opportunities for improvement
Measuring processes
Continuous improvement activities require objective measurement of asset performance and work time. Starting with reliable data, the synthesis of indicators makes it possible to keep track of actual process performance. Analysis over medium to long time periods makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of organizational change actions. In the short term, on the other hand, when shared with field staff, they can increase goal focus and motivation.
Data-driven approach
A data-driven analytical approach allows for more confident identification of areas of focus to achieve significant improvements. However, it often starts with independent and unstructured initiatives that lead to onerous data retrieval and report synthesis activities. Extemporaneous activities that discourage a data-driven approach.
Equipping oneself with comprehensive, self-actualized tools to analyze process performace simplifies and accelerates the ability to identify the right business process insights. Therefore, there is a need to create a comprehensive data model with which to navigate different data sources.
Equipping oneself with comprehensive, self-actualized tools to analyze process performace simplifies and accelerates the ability to identify the right business process insights. Therefore, there is a need to create a comprehensive data model with which to navigate different data sources.
AVEVA software to support Business Process Insight
Process Data Collection
Capture machine data and contextualize it with operational information (process stage, batch, maintenance status...) that depends on manual actions or other software systems. Historize them over long periods and enable quick access to people or analysis systems to identify the right business process insights.
Modelling processes
Reduce paper and manual actions using Business Process Management tools. Design flows of actions, approvals, and task assignments, integrating different management systems and providing a tool for coordinating operational staff. Enable an analysis of processes and their execution times by measuring the timing of each activity and identifying critical issues.
Operation KPI
Track and measure production steps, with particular reference to asset availability. Catalog asset states and standardize the collection and analysis of utilization times and actual performance. Down Time Analysis and OEE allow objective measurement of which assets and procedures to intervene on to optimize processes.
Report & Dashboard
Design reports and automate their generation and distribution: on-demand, periodic or event-based. Visualize in a single tool the synthesis of data from different systems and allow them to be navigated through dynamic dashboards. Reduce time spent managing data in favor of time spent analyzing it and identifying the right Business process insights.
AVEVA software for business processes insight
AVEVA Work tasks
Design workflows to manage, execute and document operational processes, replacing manual processes and paper documentation with an electronic workflow.
Production management
AVEVA MES Performance
Tracks each phase of an asset or line's life and allows you to measure its perforamance and calculate metrics such as OEE.
Production management
AVEVA Reports for Operations
Provides the tools to generate and share reports from different industry data sources. A simple environment to design industrial reports.
Data management
Go further in optimizing production with AVEVA software.
Advanced Planning & Scheduling
Andon monitoring system
Inventory management
Lean Manufacturing
Quality control
Paperless factory & processes digitalization
Work order management
Plan by optimizing the use of raw materials, resources and production capacity to meet the demand of your market and increase the efficiency of your plants.

Keep line staff always up to date by sharing tasks to be completed, current performance, or resource status through display systems.
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Manage at the shop floor level the availability of materials and resources needed for production, ensuring that production schedules are adhered to and efficient.
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To achieve continuous improvements, it is essential to constantly monitor and analyze activities. Digitization accelerates the results of this process, find out how.
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Ensure that product specifications are met through the reduction and management of nonconformities. Manage the sampling plans and the analysis of collected data.
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The digitization of industrial processes and the shift towards paperless factories are crucial for manufacturers aiming to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact. By implementing digital solutions, companies can streamline operations, improve data accuracy, and facilitate real-time decision-making. A paperless factory not only reduces the dependency on physical documents, thereby saving resources, but also increases the agility and flexibility of the manufacturing processes. This transformation is essential for maintaining competitiveness in an increasingly digital and sustainable industrial landscape.

Manufacturing order management represents a priority challenge for factories in conducting their production operations. At the heart of this management lies the delicate balance between meeting delivery deadlines, maintaining product quality, and optimizing resource use. Demand fluctuations, variability in material delivery times, and the need to continuously adjust production plans make the task even more challenging. Effective manufacturing order management is not only crucial for meeting customer expectations in terms of speed and quality; it also plays a key role in reducing production costs and minimizing waste and downtime.
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